Services Order

Please note that the prices below mentioned are all subject to the basics, however, we are always ready to hold a discussion with you on the pricing that will fit your budget, therefore, please do not hesitate to contact us for a discussion on how we can fit our services into your budget that will benefit you most.

Become Our Respected Client

Services Orders

Please note that the prices below mentioned are all  subject to  the basics, however, we are always ready to hold a discussion with you on the pricing that will fit your budget, therefore, please do not hesitate to contact us for a discussion on how we can fit our services into your budget that will benefit you most

Website Design

We design and manage websites for anyone, any business, organizations, Religious, Non-profits, educationals institutions. We offer free emails, Domain names purchases, and all security protections. Our package deals include the following:

  1. Website hosting for 4yr
  2. Domain Name purchase
  3. SEO Purchase
  4. Privacy and all other online protection
  5. Creation of your own YouTube Channel, FB (if You do not have one) Twitter, and Linkedin  Accounts
  6. 80 emails addresses
  7. Live Chat feature

Starting at just $700.00.                    Call or email or chat live with our Engineers


Our package deals include the following:

  1. Website hosting for 4yr
  2. Domain Name purchase
  3. SEO Purchase
  4. Privacy and all other online protection
  5. Creation of your own YouTube Channel, FB (if You do not have one) Twitter, and Linkedin  Accounts
  6. 80 emails addresses
  7. Live Chat feature
Managed Network Support

Designing of Network, Installations, Deployment, and Network projet=cts. We are available to perform any of these services anywhere in the world

Vulnerability Assessment

Cybersecurity is important because it protects all categories of data from theft and damage. This includes sensitive data, personally identifiable information (PII), protected health information (PHI), personal information, intellectual property, data, and governmental and industry information systems. The biggest, most damaging, and most widespread threat facing small businesses are phishing attacks. Phishing accounts for 90% of all breaches that organizations face, they’ve grown 65% over the last year, and they account for over $12 billion in business losses.

Full IT Security Services

It is important now to understand the Economics of Cyber Security and the Intersection of Privacy and Information Security. For years, the business, private and all aspects of the data and communication world has turned to security professionals to assist them to tap into Security for Computing as the definitive protection and guide to information and data protection, as well as about computer security, intrusion attacks, and countermeasures. We want to assist you to acquire that passed due security measure that is most critical in today’s business world

Managed Network Security

When it comes to application security, preventing data and code in business-critical security software (both in use and in development) from being stolen or hijacked, such as penetration testing and encryption Information. We offer security protection that protects your physical and digital data from unauthorized access and manipulation, both on-site and through remote systems. Also, our Infrastructure security comes with the support in ensuring that the structures and facilities you rely on, such as electrical grids and data centers, are access controlled and guarded against physical harm or disruption, and finally, we offer Network security. In this service, securing internal computer networks against unauthorized access, with tools like remote access management and two-factor authentication (2FA). And now with user education, we provide a high level and clear User education in which owe offer sound teaching on employees and customers best practices for recognizing and avoiding cyberthreats, such as malware and phishing attacks

Full Time Help Desk Support

Managing your entire help des services, call for discussion on how ew can best serve your needs and obtain a quotation

Server Support

Our Server support team provides some of the best skills in Server support. We support only your servers if that is what you need or the entire farm. Whatever the case we are available. 

The server Rate starts from $100.00. However, kindly call email, or chat with us on our site for further information.

Onsite Desk-Side Support

our on-site Deskside support provides state of the art well-skilled technicians. We provide for your business full operations. We have great customer service nature as well as an open way of support that keeps you in the know about every step of the process. Call, email, or just join a chat on our site. We are here

Full IT/Computer Training

With the wealth of many years of experience in imparting quality Training in the Information Technology environment. We are well-positioned to understand the business process, style, and ethos of Organizations in Africa and the Training needs that accrue in a competitive environment. Strategic alliances with global international IT majors, access to cutting-edge technologies, and a host of international certifications have enabled us to be in the right position to deliver state-of-the-art IT training to your business or personal needs. We accept opportunities for  IT Training in Africa  Europe and the rest of the world. We dispatch highly skilled and certified trainers to your location or site, where they will provide the best of IT training needs to your Organization. We shall bring world-class IT education and Training to the any region of the world taking into consideration their budgetary limitations. We have proven expertise to deliver the best in learning through a combination of delivery platforms, teaching techniques, and high-end facilities. Every course follows the Microsoft  and other Application Official Curriculum and is taught by  Certified Microsoft, CompTIA, Cisco, and other Trainer  in all areas of  the subject matter

CompuCleanIT Cleaning Service
IT requires a very specific skill set. That is why we provide you with a team of experienced computer gurus who go beyond basic keyword targeting. We carefully research to identify the most successful Technology for your business to generate the best results as well as ensure that your business has the best technology that money can buy.
We operate worldwide with currently a growing presence in the West African region.  We provide services from cleaning your computer both internally and externally.
We clean your computer systems for all dirt and webs defects. This you will notice go a great way in saving the computer or your pocket that unforeseen business downtime. Or the need to purchase new computer systems too often. Cleaning your computer, components, and peripherals helps keep everything in good working condition, helps prevent germs from spreading, and helps allow proper airflow. The picture shows a good example of how dirty the inside of your computer case can get. Looking at this picture it’s immediately obvious that all the dust and dirt is going to prevent proper airflow and may even prevent the fan from working.
Other IT services

IT consultants help individuals or businesses make technology purchases or strategy decisions and resolve technology challenges. An IT consultant may serve as a short-term virtual CIO, providing expert advice on IT strategy to a company that lacks high-level IT expertise in house

Have Any Questions?


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We know most of you have a laptop and 80% of your work is done on your laptop. we also know that you travel a lot with your laptop. We also know that when there is a technical issue you most times have to stop work  until you return to your base to take it to the Tech shop. By this time you have lost time and work and all else. So we have you in mind, our support services monitors, analyzes and resolve all applications and other  issue proactively and even if there is an issue, we are able to support you where ever you are. This gives you a peace of mind. It is just $15.00  monthly

And once again we all never leaves our mobile devices anywhere, it is always with us even in bed when we sleep, eat, drives, sometimes swim. Now feel relax, we got you cover with our state of the art real time remote support. Anywhere, anytime, on any devices, we are able to resolve your issue.  Just $15.00 per device 

So, please call, email or chat with us via our chat on our website for questions with any of the following:

Full Network Assessment
– Server Support
– Disaster  Recovery
– Cold and Hot site establishment
 LAN/WAN//MAN/RWAN Network Design
— Home and Small office LAN
– Outsource of Your Network Technical
– IT Consultancy
– IT Project Implementation and Management
-International IT Consultancy


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